Top 9 Highlights from Austin, and San Antonio
1. We picked up my mom in Dallas and took her with us on the road trip to Houston. It was a little crowded in the back seat, and we were stuffed to the gills in the luggage department, but it was great to travel with mom. She’s a super great sport and put up with all of our travel quirks.

2. In Austin, the Texas Capitol building tour was very interesting, and the building itself was gorgeous. We even got to see the legislature in action. Actually, no action was done on the floor while we were there, just a lot of back slapping and hand shaking. (maybe that's the action??)

3. Also in Austin, the Baylor Street Graffiti Park or HOPE Outdoor Gallery: a fascinating place and climbing up the hill to see the view of Austin was very nice.

4. Jay made sure we had prime parking next to the food truck at lunch time and so wound his way around the back alleys. The result: we got the best possible parking spot so we could eat our gyros in the car or in the rain under a dripping wet tent.

5. Austin has a nice riverfront, but it started to rain so we didn't stick around.

6. On South Congress we spent a LOT of time scoping out a place to eat dinner. There were lots of food trucks but they were mostly closed and the restaurants were not perfect or the pricing was not appropriate for our budget, so we ended up with eating pizza and salad again.
7. For the next day, we decided to head down to San Antonio to see the Alamo: The Alamo mission building was cool but the weather was scorching. We were not in the greatest mood that day. The heat really wore us down.
8. Instead of walking along the River Walk, we ate in a food court in the mall adjacent to it. It was just too hot to be outside any longer.
9. And finally we got to Houston. We were VERY happy this day had ended in such a comfortable home so we could relax.
Finally, we arrived in Houston.